Growing too fast ?
Where will China stop ?
(ph S T Leret)

Where is the birdy ?

The birdy ?

Phallic park
This pillory, called "The Pillar of the sky" was built in the amusement park of the city of Changchung. This would be the biggest phallic totem of the world.
"Legend says that a cruel empress was terraced by a shaman whom erected a totem in the shape of penis to remind her that she should respect the men (and their attributes)" said park director Cheng Weiguang. "Today it symbolizes the continuity of the message of our ancestors illustrating happiness and prosperity ... "
A mother visiting the park with her son, said that for her it was just a pillar, it could very well be the symbol of anything, that she could't care less !"

Giant Salamender
This man is holding in his arms a giant Chinese salamander, an extremely rare species of amphibian. Despite that it probably shared its existence with dinosaurs, it is now near extinction. This big tadpole can reach the size of 1.80 meters.

Chinese Catwoman

Adult games
Bao Xichung, the chinese giant is playing with his very freindly neighbourg

Curious slippers

Chinese bigwig
A farmer in southern China is proud to show his latest harvest of sweet potatoes.

Conquest of the moon cake
21 August 2007, a final check on the largest moon cake of China freshly baked in Shenyang, in northeast China. The moon cake, measures 8.15 meters in diameter, 20 centimeters thick, weighs 12.98 tonnes and has 10 different flavors. It was created with 12 tons of flour and baked for 10 hours.

Not a mobile phone
Mr Tan hopes to enter in the Guinness Book of Records after having built, as he claims to be, the largest mobile phone in the world. The phone is almost 1 meter high - or 620 times larger than the original model - and weighs about 21 kilos, and is an exact copy of a mobile phone manufacturered by Nokia. Mr. Tan says that the giant phone has all the features, including a camera. However, it does not vibrate when it rings and has no battery.
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